Thursday, November 22, 2012


Automated workflow system Cost-effective customization for every publishing-industry need Scalable to meet tomorrow’s needs

ProImage’s NewsWay is a highly advanced digital workflow and production tracking solution for the newspaper and magazine printing industries. Designed based on four major generic technologies that form the foundation of ProImage’s web-based products, these technologies dramatically improve the performance of your production workflow. The highly modular NewsWay software will control and manage your production workflow from a variety of front-end editorial systems through to the press via a plate-making process. Because it uses a simple web browser, NewsWay will monitor production status from origination to print sites, regardless of their location.

Web-Browser-Based License-Free Clients ProImage’s NewsWay was designed and built as a web-based-browser software platform from the ground up. As such, none of the web and browser-related features of NewsWay are add-ons but an integral part of the solution. The NewsWay platform is the software foundation on which the user, through a browser, may interact with the solution’s powerful plugged-in modules. Moreover, the web server foundation of NewsWay gives high visibility to all functions of any NewsWay system throughout the entire enterprise, be it on a local or wide area network (LAN or WAN). It even provides visibility through the Internet for authorized users. NewsWay also allows for very easy software upgrades. As the core software resides on the server and the workstations are simply license-free web clients, all that is needed is to upgrade the software in the server. Unlike most other software applications, users do not need to upgrade each workstation.

Instant Views
The NewsWay platform automatically generates thumbnails and composite, low-resolution views of all page elements that go through the system. This provides users with instant views of every production element and full control of the entire process.

Job Tracking
The NewsWay platform has flexible built-in mechanisms for highly sophisticated job tracking capabilities. They support layered views – from very general views to highly detailed separation level information – that provide users with the actual status of each system element in real time.

Drag and Drop
Drag-and-drop is the method of working that is native to the NewsWay platform. A highly intuitive GUI and user screens make it very easy to operate.

Flexibility and Adaptability
The NewsWay platform has been designed with flexibility in mind. It is tailored to the environment in which it is installed, not the other way around. To further enhance this flexibility, ProImage has developed a highly adaptable Naming Convention Engine that can be programmed to accept virtually any naming convention.

Outstanding Collaboration Tools
The NewsWay platform is the natural platform for collaborative working. Because of its web-server-based architecture, NewsWay is open to all methods of messaging and collaboration offered by modern communications technology, and also supports its own highly developed notes and collaboration tools.

Custom Built
Through the unique Scripting Tools of the NewsWay platform, each system can be customized to the exact requirements of each user. Not only are these scripting tools essential during the setting-up of each system, but they also provide customers with the flexibility to further alter and customize their NewsWay systems as their requirements change.

Highly Scalable
The NewsWay platform was designed and built with scalability in mind to address the ever-changing requirements of the printing and publishing industries. An integral part of the solution is its clustering capability, which allows multiple slave servers to run under the control of the main server. NewsWay Cluster has a single server manager that coordinates the tasks, as well as any number of NewsWay servers assigned to different processes. Each NewsWay server manager and server runs on single PC. As many as needed may be clustered to spread the workload and provide back-up. In short, the platform can “grow as you go,” adapting to the changing needs of the industry.

Standard Platform

The NewsWay platform runs on standard Windows 2008 R2 Operation System PC hardware, making it very easy to maintain, source spare parts, and upgrade.

Superior Technology
ProImage is one of the world’s most experienced companies in web-server-based development, and has also developed proprietary technologies for real-time response to web server clients. Based on distributed component relationships and on a dynamic web application model, these superior technologies put the NewsWay platform at the forefront of web-server-based production tracking systems.

Monday, November 19, 2012

ProImage Ink Optimization Provides Significant Savings for More Newspaper and Commercial Printers

Princeton, NJ – 24th October 2011: The Reading Eagle, PA, is a company that believes it is imperative to stay abreast of technology, and to maintain a tight rein on costs. It processes approximately 4,600 broadsheet pages each week, and therefore suffers a significant cost in ink usage. To reduce this cost burden it has installed ProImage OnColor ECO, the industry’s leading ink optimization software, stated New ProImage ( today. “With OnColor ECO we are currently now saving an average of 27% in total ink costs,” said Chris, D’Angelo, Production Prepress Manager. “And as we are continuing to increase our commercial printing business, so our total cost for ink is increasing – therefore the percentage cost saved becomes even more important. “Also, with less ink being put on the page we have seen a cleaner finished product coming off the press, especially with lighter weight newsprint,” added Mr. D’Angelo. The Reading Eagle implementation of OnColor ECO is integrated within their ProImage NewsWay production workflow. Another recent installation of this ink saving tool is at the Nowata Printing Company with three Midwest printing facilities. Nowata is dedicated to providing commercial printing solutions for a wide variety of clientele. It specializes in heat, cold and UV web offset printing of inserts, flyers, catalogs, magazines and newspapers. It knows the cost of every aspect of its production, and invests in technology to improve efficiency and competitiveness. Since it implemented ProImage OnColor ECO ink optimization software Nowata Printing is, according to Gary Hensley, General Manager, saving more than $140,000 per year. Nowata has implemented OnColor ECO with its existing Screen Trueflow workflow system. Rick Shafranek, vice president sales, New ProImage America, says, ”With a total cost of ownership so low, the ROI so high, and usage so simple, implementing OnColor ECO should be a no-brainer for most printers, whatever systems they use.”

ProImage Software Presets Registration to Reduce Waste and Improve Quality for Asbury Park Press

Princeton, NJ – 1st August 2012: For many newspapers a decline in circulation means that they no longer have the budget to rebuild or replace their old presses.  However as presses get older registration becomes more difficult to achieve – yet advertisers as well as readers demand an ever-higher color quality.  Every advertiser and reader has to be satisfied with the printed product or ad revenue and circulation is likely to decline further – it can become a vicious spiral.

To overcome this dilemma, ProImage designed a new software solution - NewsWay Press Register. It greatly improves the final print registration and minimizes time spent making mechanical adjustment on the press. It does this by processing the 1 bit Tiff of each individual separation (C, M, Y or K) to the appropriate size and angular deviation in order to compensate for any web press mis-alignment on the plate.

NewsWay Press Register comes with a Press Wizard for manually assigning plates to a unit. Also included is a digital microscope to accurately measure the amount of correction needed for significantly improved registration at press start. It can also import a text/XML file from an existing Press Control System to obtain cylinder and plate location, to automate where plates go on the press, and route TIFFs to the correct set-up for processing.

The software can operate as a stand-alone server and can also be easily implemented within the printer’s workflow. 

The Asbury Park Press, New Jersey, USA
Asbury Park Press is a Gannett-owned newspaper company located in Neptune, New Jersey. Its Goss Metro and Metroliner presses are almost 30 years old and the company was seeing a deterioration of the plate cylinder at the lead edge. This deterioration was causing poor registration. To correct this they had to pre-shim the lead edge of their plates. This pre-shimming had to be made on 15 percent of their plate positions. Shims however are not an effective way to register plates due to their standard thickness (ie: .010, .015, .020mm) when registration can be out by any amount.  Shims also have the tendency to fall off during the press run and if they collect in the gap or slide underneath the plate it can cause damage to the blankets.

For Asbury Park the standard process positions were 4/1 lead, one mono unit into one mono/deck unit when they also experienced a small amount of fan-out between the two units.  They also run a 4/4 lead, one mono though two mono/deck units to achieve back-to-back color and experienced a considerable amount of fan out when running this configuration. The ProImage software now enables them to adjust images to correct this problem.

Before installing Press Register, Asbury suffered the delay and cost of an averaged two press stops per run in order to better register color.

Rick Shafranek – VP Sales for ProImage states, “The system is improving registration and is minimizing press stops, additional savings include the elimination of shim purchases and the savings of not having to replace blankets due to shims coming off and damaging them.” Later in the year Press Register will import a file from Harland Simon to automate the planning process.

Information provided on behalf of New ProImage by Media Matters,
Contact; Richard Hall. Tel: +33 (0)4 67 00 25 87, Mob: +44 (0)7831 777 210

Honolulu Star-Advertiser saves 25% of color ink

Princeton, NJ – 1st July 2012: For several years the Honolulu Star-Advertiser was rated as the USA Today number one print site. It knows how to print consistent high quality color. Recently however, in an effort to reduce production cost whilst maintaining its record of consistent high color quality, the company embarked upon a project to research, and subsequently install, ink optimization software.

After tests the newspaper selected ProImage OnColor ECO. Not only was it found to be the easiest to use, it also provided the best results.

“Our records show that we are saving over 25% of our previous color ink consumption.  Annual savings will run into six figures,” said production director Marty Black. “We achieve more consistent start-ups and top quality in fewer copies on start-up.

 “OnColor ECO fits well into our workflow. Files are sent to ECO prior to the page output and press ink presetting systems. It runs seamlessly. Since we started running it we have had no problems at all. Also the people at ProImage have been great to work with! Their service and support has been exceptional.”

The daily Star-Advertiser publishes approximately 40 full color pages with a print run of about 125,000 copies, plus Midweek, a 64 page tabloid. The company also prints a large number of commercial jobs each week including approximately one million copies of Kmart inserts; 270,000 copies of Foodland, Times, plus many other smaller jobs.

Investors Business Daily Invests in ProImage Workflow & Transmission Technology

Princeton NJ – 20th June, 2012 :  New ProImage America ( has today announced that Investors Business Daily (IBD) has implemented its NewsWay workflow automation and transmission management solution. IBD, a US national newspaper covering international business, finance and the global economy provides up-to-the-minute information aimed at investors. And it makes its own investment decisions based on careful research.

IBD needed a solution that would enable it to easily and efficiently control the distribution of page files to multiple destinations either simultaneously or individually.  Having carried out in-depth research ProImage NewsWay was selected.

“Being able to customize the workflow plus the capability for simultaneous file distribution over a WAN was key,” said Henry Godinez National Technical Systems Manager, IBD. “The NewsWay Communication Center which enables us to instantly communicate across the enterprise and to all our print centers was essential, and being browser based we did not have to invest in multiple client licenses – therefore any authorized user can access the system from anywhere with an Internet connection, at no additional cost.

“NewsWay integrates easily with our existing systems and will provide valuable cost-savings,” added Mr. Godinez.

NewsWay is being used to automate the transmission of page files to IBD’s print sites using FTP (file transfer protocol).  IBD’s first relationship with ProImage was in 1999. Since then ProImage technology has evolved to become an industry market leader all around the world.

Time Inc. deploys ProImage Automated Workflow

March 5, 2012 - The Chesapeake Resource Group LLC - Research Brief

The purpose of this study is to provide an independent evaluation of the degree of success achieved by ProImage in meeting the needs of Time Inc. in the delivery and commissioning of an automated advertising workflow transmission system.

ProImage contracted with the Chesapeake Resource Group LLC (CRG) to provide a fact based assessment of the degree of customer satisfaction delivered by ProImage. The appropriate information was gathered in a series of interviews with senior production management at Time Inc., and in a demonstration of the system.

CRG is a fifteen year old, independent consulting organization, specializing in technology assessment, digital workflow and computer to plate processes for the publication industry. CRG may be contacted at

1. Executive Summary
Our findings indicate the following key points:

• Time Inc. succeeded in meeting ambitious goals for upgrading their magazine transmission process and launching an automated advertising workflow.

• This success was achieved by using a metadata driven, automated process that eliminated costly intermediate steps and many manual interventions.

• ProImage was successful in developing and implementing a solution that fully met Time Inc's design goals. Accordingly, ProImage achieved a high degree of customer satisfaction, both as a supplier and as a development partner.

• The main differentiating feature of ProImage lies in its software architecture. This technology provides an unusually high degree of flexibility in both the form and functionality of the delivered product.

• The extensibility of the ProImage architecture is a value-added benefit that permits the development of additional solutions. This will provide Time Inc. with an ongoing ability to leverage technological developments in the communications business.

2.  Background
Time Inc., a division of Time Warner, is one of the largest branded media companies in the world.  Among its 95 titles worldwide are iconic names such as TIME, PEOPLE, INSTYLE and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.  The company’s magazines reach more than 110 million Americans each month, and its web sites attract nearly 50 million unique visitors each month.

3.  The Problem
The growth of Time Inc's brands created pressure on its aging production system that depended on a proprietary private network for transmission to their printing plants.  This legacy system was comprised of dedicated hardware and software, with continuously rising maintenance costs.  The biggest constraint was the lack of development resources being applied to a system design that was approaching the end of its useful service life.  In a sweeping step forward, Time Inc. production management made the strategic decision to both replace the transmission system and create a new method of automating the advertising workflow.

4.  The Solution
The desired approach identified the need for common formats, standardized workflow, and the automatic processing of advertising and editorial assets across the network.  The critical design concept was to embed meta-data into each page to drive the process eliminating many manual steps in the current system.  Thus, the idea of a "smart page" was born.

In order to turn the vision into practice, Time Inc initiated the search for a development partner with the necessary expertise based on proven products in the field.  This led to the selection of ProImage, who was able to demonstrate a history of supplying successful workflow solutions to major newspapers around the globe.  According to John Ialacci, President of New ProImage of America  "the opportunity provided by Time Inc. offered a perfect fit because of our experience in providing clients with tailored solutions optimized for their specific needs"

The heart of the solution deployed by ProImage is their NewsWay application.  In the initial transmission replacement phase of the project, ProImage was able to improve the efficiency of the transmission by a measurable amount by interfacing with Time Inc's "Mass Transit" system that was already installed and used in the remote printing plants.  Efficiencies were obtained by the elimination of logging and other manual processes.

The transmission phase was followed by the major step of automating the advertising workflow, and making it available across the network to all magazines.  This process begins when clients send high resolution ads in PDF format to a web portal.  Within the portal, files are pre-flighted, coded with meta-data, and down loaded to NewsWay.  The files are processed further by adding additional meta-data from the booking and planning departments. All submitted data is validated and a visual inspection is done to pre-empt possible problems in the printing operation. When the ads are ready, they are routed automatically to the designated print sites by NewsWay, using metadata from Time Inc.’s planning system to drive the process.

As the central node in the system, NewsWay provides management with a powerful user interface that provides real time status of the various publications by tracking the progress of pages throughout the system. The NewsWay transmission dashboard displays the time that each page was sent and received at each designated plant. The dashboard interface further provides the capability for ad hoc destination changes, page inspection and file re-transmission.

5. Implementation
Time Inc. has implemented a cloud like process for managing the flow of ad materials throughout the network. Among the efficiencies this solution has provided is the elimination of software loaded on users work stations resulting in savings in license and maintenance costs. The ad management process is almost fully automated and NewsWay has allowed a secure, reliable, and highly controlled transmission process using standard internet technologies.

In describing the relationship between the companies, Kin Wah Lam, Time Inc’s Director of Digital Development commented "We’ve developed an excellent working relationship with ProImage that resulted in both a smooth implementation and continued system enhancements that have created additional value for our company."

6. Results
The deployment of the system has enabled Time Inc. to meet its twin goals of replacing a legacy transmission system and launching an automated advertising workflow. This has delivered both labor and cost savings, and achieved the desired ROI. Process simplification has reduced human errors and increased reliability and quality.

Peter Meirs, Time Inc’s Vice President Production Technologies, commented, “Our challenge was to implement a state of the art production system that could scale, manage and integrate many combinations of magazines. Our end goal was to incorporate process automation, driven by metadata, to achieve the desired efficiencies. We installed ProImage's NewsWay and the workflow has satisfied every requirement."

7. Value added
Perhaps the greatest benefit of the ProImage architecture is the ability of the system to meet new challenges, and grow with Time Inc. into the future. The next milestone will be to develop the ability to transform the printed files quickly and easily into a format that can be displayed on tablets and other new and evolving media devices. The future beckons, and the production team is confident that they have the tools to meet these goals.

More newspapers implement ProImage workflow automation

The Winnipeg Free Press and Birmingham News

Princeton, NJ – 6th February 2012:  When the Winnipeg Free Press in Canada and The Birmingham News, Alabama, both decided to implement CTP they also wanted to take the opportunity to integrate and automate as many processes as possible in order to gain maximum efficiencies.

Although in Winnipeg they decided to install Agfa CTP devices and in Birmingham Krause CTP devices, they both selected the ProImage NewsWay workflow automation and control solution to manage and track production.  

The browser-based NewsWay software saves them production time and reduces the potential for error. It provides both newspapers with total workflow management and includes support for multiple publication tracking, priority scheduling and deadline monitoring. It also delivers event notification, page pairing, hard and soft proofing, annotation, furniture burning and plate room management. It interfaces with their front-end systems to provide one powerful end-to-end workflow solution from pre-press through proofing, CTP, plate punch benders, bar code readers and press control systems.
Rick Shafranek, VP sales and marketing for New ProImage America states, “Our production management solutions continue to evolve and remain industry leading, robust and cost-effective. We embraced the Internet and web based systems from Day One – now more than 16 years ago – and continue to do so today.

“Our browser and Cloud-based technologies continue to be a winning formula. With pressure on cost and capital expenditure we pride ourselves in providing valuable software tools with a rapid ROI for newspapers and publishers all around the world.”

To help streamline efficiency, NewsWay also delivers a complete set of production reports such as the time pages where RIPped, approved, and released – recording the actual time each plate was output or transmitted - as well as any wastage.  The browser-based interface makes the workflow accessible from virtually anywhere and enables instant communication between people, departments and facilities and, when required, allows human intervention to be made immediately.

ProImage streamlines production at the Times-Union, Albany NY

Facilitating change from letterpress to web offset

Princeton, NJ – 25th May 2012: New ProImage America, Inc. has today announced that it has won the contract to upgrade the ProImage NewsWay workflow automation and production system at the Albany Times-Union (circ. 140,000 Sunday; 75,000 daily) as part of the newspaper’s new KBA press project.

Despite pessimism about printed newspapers in many parts of the world ProImage continues to clock-up sales - and publishers continue to invest in technologies that provide proven efficiency and cost reduction.

NewsWay has been successfully managing the page flow and production at the Times-Union since 2008, including creating impositions, generating soft page proofs, tracking production and load balancing and driving it’s Rips and filmsetters. The newspaper is now changing to web-offset printing.

“We have had a wonderful relationship with ProImage since 2008,” says Dan Couto, Director of Operations and Facilities Planning, Times-Union. “NewsWay manages basic output now for our letterpress.  With our new web-offset press we will utilize new Harlequin RIPs in a RIP-once-output-many scenario that allows onscreen proofing of RIPed page and/or plate files.  We will institute color management both for page modification and for ink coverage specification.  We will establish unique workflows for internal and commercial jobs, integrating many of the separate systems that are currently maintained (preflight, color proofing, archiving). Also, integration with press controls will allow bar coding of plates for sortation, tracking and reporting.

 “The product reliability is exceptional and the support has been uniformly excellent from pre-sale through daily use. We’re dealing with the same ProImage staff in 2012 as we did in 2008!”

The NewsWay workflow automation and control system is now being upgraded to provide significant further automation.  It already integrates various systems from DTI, ClassPag and Asura and the press. New modules will streamline processes and will integrate new CTP equipment and KBA press and controls.

ProImage will provide a bi-directional interface to KBA press controls allowing the plan created within NewsWay to be imported into the KBA system. KBA will supply press location information to the plan so that NewsWay can burn a barcode as well as text as to where each plate goes on the press. The ProImage system will also provide ink presets to the KBA press control system, load balance new RIPs and CTP devices, schedule and manage production, ink optimize the pages to reduce color ink usage, and track production through to output locking color sets to a particular device.

“NewsWay will provide integration of RIPs which will enable new proofing workflows; ink optimization, as well as provide ink control information to the press,” states Sandi Costello, Publishing Integration Manager, Times-Union. “Production advantages will also include approval at page and plate level, on-screen proofing, barcode tracking, multiple plate configurations and new archive workflow.

“The system has a comprehensive suite of modules, good (and often two-way) connectivity to other systems, and a customizable interface that is entirely browser based. The ability of our installing engineer to support us for years after the installation is a bonus.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Color Manager

When a printed advertisement does not reproduce a brand’s colors accurately, or comply with the original intent of the advertiser, there is a potentially expensive problem. For newspaper printers the cause of de-saturated color, filling-in effects and neutral color deviation is usually due to the use of a standard color transformation from a common source ICC profile (often a wrong ICC) to the printer ICC. In some cases
images are not even color managed prior to reaching the RIP, and then colors become distorted. Achieving a printed image that is close as possible to the original, fully restoring the colors that are distorted during
the printing process is very difficult for any process department. ProImage Color Manager solves the problem.

Color Manager software automatically transforms image files from their source ICC profile to the output ICC profile. It does this dynamically, without any loss of color saturation or dynamic range. The results
are accurate color reproduction achieved easily, and quickly. Color Manager is also an essential tool should there be a need to re-purpose a PDF for additional targets such as a heatset press, the Web, or even a tablet PC.

Using SISR (Smart Input Space Recognition) Color Manager automatically analyzes the image to detect the source ICC, even when it’s unknown. Then using unique color transformation technology it automatically
converts the image from the source profile to the output ICC profile.

As very few images are the same, each undergoes an individual transformation according to the source profile detected. The software then makes the image as close as technically possible to the source image
and maintains all the color that would normally become de-saturated when processed. In addition, the color
transformation takes into account the paper’s CMYK color to maintain the visual grey balance. This provides you with better quality and a valuable competitive advantage.

As another benefit, ProImage Color Manager makes the image sharper taking into account the output resolution of the RIP screening and the user’s preference. So whatever the job, Color Manager software
will enable you to reproduce stunning results, and maintain happy customers. As a bonus, Color Manager includes ProImage OnColor ECO which allows you to save
around 25% of your color ink cost.

OnColor ECO

ProImage ink optimization software solutions have become industry standards.

Easy-to-use and with a rapid ROI, OnColor ECO solution will fit seamlessly into your workflow. OnColor ECO automatically analyzes PDF files and, using Gray Component Replacement (GCR), determines the optimal amount of ink needed by newspaper and commercial presses to produce the best image quality.

It reduces ink consumption and this means less cost, less rub-off and set-off, and a smaller carbon footprint. Using sophisticated algorithms and ICC profiles for input and output, ProImage OnColor ECO replaces an equal amount of CMY ink (the gray component) with lower cost black ink to produce a perfect printed result every time, whilst using much less ink overall.

The main benefits of ProImage OnColor ECO are:
  • Cost reduction - Ink savings in the order of 10% to 40% – in most cases, the average ink volume saved is approximately 20%.
  • Sharper images – sharper images are highly visible when dark items that were printed with CMYK are replaced by K only.
  •  Reduced file size – in almost all cases the use of PDF files with OnColor ECO significantly reduces file size by compression while maintaining original quality.
  • Improved gray balance – natural objects look more realistic.
  •  Better color stability and fidelity– since only the essential CMY ink components (pure color) remain on the image, colors are more stable and easy to control on the press.
  • Ink saving analysis – a special algorithm calculates the exact amount of ink and cost saved during processing.
  • Smart Input Space Recognition – this sophisticated algorithm detects each
    image’s color space enabling correct input to the press color space.

Monday, October 22, 2012

ProImage Makes Breakthrough with Niko Meter

After months of research and development we are proud to introduce - Niko Meter, an intelligent software that will alert production staff to any risk of missing a deadline.

The software shows a number of meters on the screen, each similar to the speedometer in a car. Each meter shows very visually the production status of each plate – and these change colour and warn when there is a danger, or imminent danger, of a deadline being missed.

Named the “Niko Meter” as a tribute to Niko Rukosuo, a former technical director of the Los Angeles Times, a ProImage NewsWay workflow customer who had the original idea.

Izzet Edige, New ProImage, states, “The Niko Meter is proving to be a very valuable tool, especially with today’s minimal production staffing levels. It automatically monitors live plate production and helps optimize the productivity of an expensive newspaper press.”

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Joy of Sorting Plates

ProImag's latest development, Sorter, allows you to assign press slots to Bins, release production runs manually and monitor the Bins during production until the Plates are sorted.

The outstanding graphical interface enables you to easily:
  • define presses and sorters 
  • assign slots to bins 
  • set plates sorting order 
  • define new versions of plate handling 
  • set plate sorting order 
  • set plate output order 
  • and much more 

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012

    Merkel Rainbow

    German chancellor Angela Merkel is quite a phenomenon of colors. Blazer remains invariant. Suit for yourself if there is a deeper meaning  in this dress-code, dear intelligent readers – do let us know if you have a clue.

    The images where collected by  Noortje van Eekelen  as part of her Spectacle of Tragedy.

    The German chancellor opted for a green blazer for her visit to Greece. But, as this natty Pantone chart shows us, Merkel has found a fashion formula she likes, and she's sticking to it.

    For her visit to Greece, Angela Merkel's soft green jacket should have been just the right colour choice to convey a sense of calm. That is, if it wasn't the very same one the German chancellor wore to celebrate Germany's victory over Greece during Euro 2012. But with fashion not coming to her as naturally as economics, Merkel has got her formula and she's sticking with it. Her signature look comprises three-button blazers, often from German designer Bettina Schoenbach, in a huge range of colours. Dutch graphic designer Noortje van Eekelen even created a Pantone chart of the look for her website The Spectacle of Tragedy. From black to beige to a very on-trend purple, it runs to an impressive 90 shades. That's one for every situation Europe's most powerful woman might find herself in.

    Friday, October 5, 2012


    TabellaNews- Content Delivery Evolution
    Bringing the news to mobile devices is no longer an option. It’s a necessity. ProImage makes it easy. TabellaNews  a cloud-based content delivery solution lets you publish newspaper content automatically on a wide variety of tablets and smart phones.

    With ProImage TabellaNews we have put our workflow automation experience to work to bring you a system that automatically gathers content, formats it for multiple devices, updates content  lets you edit and publish—all while maintaining the look and feel of your brand. Best of all, you can do all of the above with minimal investment.

    How it Works
    Content is captured or delivered from any content system in use today at the newspaper – be it Editorial or Web – by the TabellaNews erver. The data is analysed and automatically processed through ProImage’s intelligent content mapping and template technology to produce an issue that is ready to preview and edit if necessary.

The final publication is delivered to any hosting environment to be accessed by the complementary branded reader application. Within the App, that also supports dynamic content, the reader then accesses a highly interactive and robust reading experience.

    Absolute Automation
    With TabellaNews data is analyzed and automatically processed through ProImages’ intelligent content mapping and template technology producing an issue based on your desired publishing schedule for multiple devices.
    The TabellaNews cloud-based server puts common tasks at your fingertips. You can preview issues modify content and preview for approval .You will also be able to see exactly how the content will appear on all targeted devices.

    Flexible Connectivity
    We understand workflow complexities and we understand that publishers cannot always have the latest systems. That’s why we designed TabellaNews with unlimited flexibility.
    That means it is compatible with multiple data sources. It can be configured to work with whatever you have available, it eliminates the need for costly technology upgrades.

    Unique Versatility
    TabellaNews uses the newspaper’s existing methods for content creation – both print and on-line – so minimal effort is required.
    Unlike other e-media publishing solutions it is not a design centric, which can be extremely time consuming, and costly. No other mobile publishing solution provides absolute automation of content and layout for all mobile devices simultaneously. TabellaNews does it with the ease and security of ProImages’ cloud computing.

    Reader Experience
    TabellaNews provides your readers with the type of experience they expect from mobile devices. This includes such features as:
    • Integration with social media such as Facebook and Twitter allows your readers to promote your brand.
    • Complete issue searching allows readers to quickly locate content of interest via keywords.
    • Clear navigation information allows readers to easily navigate their way through your content.
    • Connection to live content allows you to provide your readers with up to date information

    The bottom line—a rich experience that will generate interest and leave readers wanting more.

    Brand Integrity
    Automation doesn’t have to mean identity loss. With TabellaNews you can maintain every element of your brand that makes it unique—logos, fonts and color schemes, as well as screen layout and design.
    So your mobile apps will reinforce name recognition and position your brand as innovative

    Increased Revenue
    Attract new digital readers or bundle digital with traditional print. Offer advertisers attractive digital advertising or print combination packages. The end result—a steady stream of new revenue opportunities.

    Cost Effective
    With TabellaNews all you need is a web browser. There’s no need for costly investment in new equipment or other infrastructure expenses. Automating the entire process lessens your costs even further. WithTabellaNews you will not need to add people in order to create or manage your mobile content.

    Proven Reliability
    When developing TabellaNews  we drew from our broad experience with cloud-based solution infrastructures for color saving applications. This includes extensive experience working with sensitive and secure data. ProImage also incorporated its proven ICS expertise in print workflow automation. So your newspaper is in the best of hands.

    Expert Services
    With ProImage you get more than technology. You get the expertise of an organization that has a proven record of bringing innovation to newspaper publishing. Our consultative and educational services are designed to keep your operation productive and profitable.
TabellaNews Expert Services include content capture, integration, monetization to app stores, template designs and more.


    MediaWay is an innovative enterprise magazine workflow system developed for unrestricted cross-media publishing: tablet, web, mobile, and print. The system automates and substantially eliminates the production challenges associated with re-purposing content to various media channels. Altogether, MediaWay features a modern platform that supports and builds upon a series of collaborative tools for an enhanced communicative environment not available in a traditional Adobe workflow. MediaWay also integrates with the most popular CMS systems for a seamless integration between all media channels.

    Get the content in time to the right place … efficiently.

    Unlike other content management solutions, that only handle partial or highly specialized processes in often a rigid way, MediaWay presents the only truly open, dynamic and all-round integrated publishing platform offering flexible, cross-media usage based on industry standards.

    User Profile 
    Cross-media content creators designers and owners - print or web publishers, service providers and design agencies, medium or large corporations - who need to store, handle, retrieve and archive any type of information for cross-media communication.

    Achieve time saving…
    Link straight into a publication structure. Access, share, and repurpose assets in a secure and easy way. Use XML so no transformations into proprietary application formats are needed. Maximize metadata information for identification, search, retrieval and reporting. Do proactive planning. Re-use best practices. Collaborate across boundaries of place, process and time. Automate complex page design and proofing. Centralize and simplify maintenance and upgrading…

    Achieve a quality boost…

    Improve brand streamlining by end-to-end color management. Optimize the use of best practices. Exploit the use of centralized, high quality assets. Minimize process related and human errors by seamless integration. Automate complex tasks and processes. Facilitate highest level collaboration. Reduce stress via intuitive interfacing and user-friendly operation. Maximize user profile based security.

    Achieve cost cutting…

    Calculate the cost savings of the above time savings! Enjoy web-based services versus the purchase and maintenance of a wide range of desktop software products. Avoid costly mistakes by communicating in a highly visual way, looking at centralized up-to-date information.

    Press Register

    The NewsWay Press Register – corrects mechanical mis-registration and paper stretching on any press NewsWay Press Register is a software solution that corrects for mis-registration on the printing press without the need to touch or modify the press. The application can scale, rotate, mirror and shift the image to be exposed on the plate. NewsWay Press Register greatly improves the final print registration and minimizes mechanical adjustment on the press. This is done by processing the 1 bit TIFF of each individual separation (C, M, Y or K) to the appropriate size to compensate for any web press mis-alignment. NewsWay Press Register can operate as a stand-alone server or can be easily implemented within the ProImage NewsWay workflow.

    On a cylinder of web press, the paper travels a long distance between plates at a very high speed and tension. When ink and water are applied to it, the paper expends and stretches quite significantly, causing mis-registration of the image. This problem is further emphasized in tall towers where the distance between plates is significant and the paper can stretch, for example, from Cyan to Black by up to 2.5 mm (0. 1”). Traditionally, this problem is corrected by the use of tension wheels (also called Bustle Wheels), however, the corrections are not consistent , limited to a specific place on the paper and non linear.

    Press Register overcomes those issues by performing precise digital scaling of the entire plate image for each separation at a very high degree of precision. Using a hot folder and an easy to use wizard, the operator defines the plate size, the required registration and angle deviations for each separation (mm or inches). NewsWay Press Register will automatically rescale, rotate and mirror the 1 bit TIFF image data of each plate (while preserving the punch registration marks) and make it ready for exposing on the output device (CtF or CtP). The scaled image will be placed on the plate either with left, right or center justification, to simulate paper stretch on a multiple plates cylinder. It improves the final print quality providing faster make ready while reducing waste.

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Our Partners

    We enjoy close collaboration with our partners.

    Selling directly in some parts of the world, and through dealer partners in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia, Spain, Russia, China and Thailand, the company also enjoys a number of important international technology and marketing strategic alliances, such as ABB Switzerland. ProImage is an Agfa owned company.

    First established in 1995, New ProImage Ltd. is a leading developer of browser-based content management, digital workflow, ink optimization, colour image processing and production tracking solutions for the commercial and newspaper printing and publishing industries. Using a standard Internet browser, ProImage's advanced workflow technologies offer the printing industry flexible and feature-rich end-to-end communications, workflow management, colour processing and production tracking solutions. New ProImage Limited is headquartered in Netanya, Israel, twenty miles north of Tel Aviv.  The company manages sales and support from offices in the Americas from Princeton, New Jersey, in Europe from London, UK, and in Asia from Israel.

    ProImage Presents New Features at IFRA Expo

    London - 11th September 2012 : ProImage has chosen next month’s WAN-IFRA World Publishing Expo (IFRA Expo) in Frankfurt, Germany, for the European launch of TabellaNews, an innovative Cloud-based solution for the creation of digital publications for tablet PCs and other mobile devices.

    TabellaNews enables the automatic delivery of content from any content management system to a wide variety of tablet PCs and smart phones. The content is analyzed and automatically processed through ProImage’s intelligent content mapping and template technology to produce an edition that is ready to preview and, if necessary, edit. You are able to see exactly how the content will appear on all targeted mobile devices, and because it’s Cloud-based there are minimal set-up costs.

    ProImage will also be releasing enhanced versions of its workflow, colour management, ink optimization and press registration solutions at this year’s Expo. Products with added features include OnColor ECO ink optimization software with a new Color Manager module. This automatically transforms image files from their source ICC profile to the output ICC profile. The results are accurate colour reproduction achieved easily and quickly. Color Manager will also re-purpose a PDF for additional targets such as a heatset press, the Web, or a tablet device. Coming standard with OnColor ECO, Color Manager is essential for faithfully reproducing and protecting an advertiser’s investment in their colour brand. OnColor ECO is proven to save as much as 35% of colour ink cost.

    Press Register Pro software corrects mis-registration caused by paper stretch or mechanical flaws on a web offset press. Using advanced ProImage imposition software Press Register Pro will create edition print layouts and then automatically detect pages and assign them to their appropriate position on the cylinder whilst also applying registration correction for each individual plate. “Making the correction in software is much faster and more accurate than trying to make mechanical press adjustments,” says Izzet Edige, general manager EMEA, New-ProImage.

    NewsWay 2012, the latest version of the popular ProImage workflow automation and production control software supports Windows 2008 64 bit and Windows 7. New features include the capability to highlight version changes of the same page, the optimization of plate sorting, and a tool to enable customers to upload files directly into their print edition. NewsWay 2012 manages plate production priorities and when interfaced with press control systems it saves time and potential error by optimizing plate sorting and automating print production priorities.

    ProImage will be welcoming visitors to its stand F 120.


    ProImage has developed 4 major generic technologies, which are the foundation of its Web based products. The parallel operation of these technologies dramatically improves the performance of Web applications.

    Real-time browser-server connectivity - This technology combines the Web user interface advantages (remote access to the software) with the standard software advantages (real time response to events). It operates an additional server running in parallel to the Web server, working in conjunction with the active browsers. The parallel server pushes the required information to the Web server at any given time according to events taking place on the server. This information is packed efficiently and implementation of incremental data and ageing techniques prevents the server from re-transmitting data that is no longer relevant.

    Distributed component relationship - This technology is built in a few software layers: Network of algorithm components "glued" together in a scripting language to create a skeleton for job processing. Job description messages are fed into this skeleton to complement information needed for a specific job. After these messages are fed into the skeleton, changes in its structure can occur in order to accommodate the more specific needs.

    A dynamic Web application model - This model is a high level model that allows running and controlling processes on a network of computers and not only on one server. It allows the easy creation of process definitions and GUI elements.

    Web based content creation - This technology allows the users to create content from a remote location. The content is represented through an XML format, which is the future data format for use in both printing and over the Web. ProImage was the first company to provide an interactive WYSIWYG XML based editing system.

    About ProImage

    ProImage, founded in 1995, is a leading developer of innovative Newspaper and Magazine Production workflow, color management and production tracking solutions for the commercial, newspaper and magazine printing industries.

    Our solutions enable printing houses, which have been dramatically affected by the rapid growth of digital publishing to remain competitive in today's economic climate.

    We also offer a cutting-edge system that delivers digital information, via multiple channels, in addition to the traditional print publications, to meet the growing demand for digital content on different platforms. With a user base of more than 100 publications in 15 countries ProImage's offerings range from solutions for local publications to enterprise asset and workflow management software for multinational operations.

    With an extensive track record of successful implementations worldwide, we are dedicated to serving our customers' needs by providing new solutions whenever and wherever needed.

    ProImage to Show New Tablet Publishing Solution at IFRA EXPO

    ProImage has chosen IFRA in Frankfurt, for the European launch of TabellaNews, an innovative Cloud-based solution for the creation of digital publications for tablet PCs and other mobile devices.

    TabellaNews enables the automatic delivery of content from any content management system to a wide variety of tablet PCs and smart phones. The content is analyzed and automatically processed through ProImage’s intelligent content mapping and template technology to produce an edition that is ready to preview and, if necessary, edit. You are able to see exactly how the content will appear on all targeted mobile devices, and because it’s Cloud-based there are minimal set-up costs.

    ProImage will also be releasing enhanced versions of its workflow, colour management, ink optimization and press registration solutions at this year’s Expo. Products with added features include OnColor ECO ink optimization software with a new Color Manager module. This automatically transforms image files from their source ICC profile to the output ICC profile. The results are accurate colour reproduction achieved easily and quickly. Color Manager will also re-purpose a PDF for additional targets such as a heatset press, the Web, or a tablet device. Coming standard with OnColor ECO, Color Manager is essential for faithfully reproducing and protecting an advertiser’s investment in their colour brand. OnColor ECO is proven to save as much as 35% of colour ink cost.

    Press Register Pro software corrects mis-registration caused by paper stretch or mechanical flaws on a web offset press. Using advanced ProImage imposition software Press Register Pro will create edition print layouts and then automatically detect pages and assign them to their appropriate position on the cylinder whilst also applying registration correction for each individual plate. “Making the correction in software is much faster and more accurate than trying to make mechanical press adjustments,” says Izzet Edige, general manager EMEA, New-ProImage.

    NewsWay 2012, the latest version of the popular ProImage workflow automation and production control software supports Windows 2008 64 bit and Windows 7. New features include the capability to highlight version changes of the same page, the optimization of plate sorting, and a tool to enable customers to upload files directly into their print edition. NewsWay 2012 manages plate production priorities and when interfaced with press control systems it saves time and potential error by optimizing plate sorting and automating print production priorities.